Month: January 2018 (page 1 of 5)

Seaford Onsite Computer Support : Outlook 2010 problems sharing calendar to other exchange users

One of my business customers from Seafordcontacted me saying they were having a few issues with sharing the common calendar for their business to a new staff member. They are using Outlook 2010 through an exchange server so changing to another program isn’t really an option so I dug into the settings to check everything was set correctly. I noticed that some of the permissions for the calendar for the new user didn’t quite match the existing users so I modified this to make it all line up. I then completely removed the calendar from the new users account and then reshared the calendar to them and BAM they were good to go 🙂 My customer is considering moving away from Outlook and exchange in the future so I suggested for them to look into using google accounts with the google calendar as this is free and works brilliantly from my use and experience. 

280 2 - Seaford Onsite Computer Support : Outlook 2010 problems sharing calendar to other exchange users
Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 

South Brighton Onsite Computer Support : Modem reprogrammed to allow port forwarding for CCTV security system remote viewing

A customer from South Brighton contacted me saying his security company had requested that he get an I.T person to re program his modem to allow the CCTV to be able to be viewed and monitored remotely. That’s where I come in 🙂 I logged in to his modem and found the port forwarding section and created the required port forwards needed for for the CCTV DVRsystem to be able to be connected to from an IPaddress outside of the premises. I also added the DVR into the DMZ on the modem as this is also often required to allow full functionality to the software. In a nut-shell what this does is create a small low-risk security exception on the modem to allow external network traffic to enter the network – basically a request to see the CCTV cameras from anywhere outside of the premises. Once the port forwards were all setup he was good to go for viewing his CCTV security system from an app on his phone or tablet. 

280 1 - South Brighton Onsite Computer Support : Modem reprogrammed to allow port forwarding for CCTV security system remote viewing
Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 

Hallett Cove Computer Support : Setting up email and antivirus on two Mac Book Air laptops

Today I’m down at Hallett Cove helping a nice couple with their Mac Book Air laptops. One of the laptops was up to date on OSX 10.13 High Sierra but was having a few issues with their email not coming through properly. I checked their settings and noticed that a few of the security and encryption settings were incorrect and as a lot of internet service providers are requiring these to be activated these days, your email won’t work properly if you don’t get these sorted. Once I had that setup the email was working great so it was on to the other Mac Book Air. This one was running 10.12 Sierra and needed the update the 10.13 High Sierra in order for the antivirus the customer had purchased to work properly. I kicked off the update and after a little while it had downloaded the 50GB (thanks to very fast NBN!) and the update was underway. Once 10.13 High Sierra was installed I was able to install the new antivirus and also setup the email account. Both users wanted to have it so that when they opened their Mac Book Air laptops they didn’t need to put in the password each time so I also enabled auto-sign in for them just to make life a little easier 🙂 

280 - Hallett Cove Computer Support : Setting up email and antivirus on two Mac Book Air laptops
Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 

Glen Osmond Onsite Computer Support : Samsung Galaxy A5 PC sync setup and Outlook issues

Another day and another customer with more Outlook issues… Today it was a customer from Glen Osmond who was using Outlook 2007 as well as an older 2003 version of Outlook on another laptop and was having issues with the two laptops displaying emails correctly using IMAP. I looked into the settings and was able to find out what the problem was and was able to get both versions of Outlook to play nicely and display emails as they should. I also set up an application on his primary laptop called Samsung SideSync that allows you to essentially remote control and view your phone on your laptop via wifi as well as displaying any on screen phone notifications on the laptop too. He found this really handy if he didn’t happen to have his phone with him but was working on the laptop and it let him reply to txt messages by simply typing on the keyboard rather than using the on screen phone keyboard. 

280 22 - Glen Osmond Onsite Computer Support : Samsung Galaxy A5 PC sync setup and Outlook issues
Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 

Adelaide City Onsite Support : Helping a musician installing custom library samples for Ableton

One of my customers who lives in the heart of the Adelaide CBD contacted me saying he was having some issues installing a custom instrument library for the Ableton music application on his PC. I had helped him with his PC before so I was familiar with his system but had to stop and think for a bit to tackle this one. He had a 250GB SSD as his primary drive and a 2TB mechanical drive as his secondary data drive and was running into some strange errors when trying to install the custom library for Ableton. Basically, the installer would run then start to download the required files from the Internet then crash mid way through the installer no matter what he tried. I tried all of the obvious tricks like “run as administrator”, clear the temp files, remove any appdatarelated to the installer but had no luck. My last idea was to try running the installer from the root of C: drive rather than from the downloads folder that was located on his 2TB secondary drive. To my surprise, this actually worked and the installer downloaded all of the files it needed and get us underway. Sometimes is the simple things that get you back up and running 🙂  

280 20 - Adelaide City Onsite Support : Helping a musician installing custom library samples for Ableton
Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 
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