Month: December 2018

“Cicada 3301: An Internet Mystery”

Is Cicada 3301 a secret high-tech international cryptography organization – or simply some teenage code trolls with too much time and money on their hands…? If you love a good mystery, follow that rabbit down the hole…

Subnautica Free Download right now

How does an early Christmas present from Epic Games sound? Well, the awesome game Subnautica is completely free right now on PC. Just jump on over to the link below and download through the Epic Games store and it’s yours to keep forever.

Have an awesome Christmas guys!


Adelaide Computers + On-site Support

uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qcFVYaGRYY2FUbW8&revid=0B Njb DjsC qb0NsRUtpT0dKdjRNeUVTZVNISHVzLzBmWUcwPQ - Subnautica Free Download right now
Mobile : 0404 110 526
Office : (08) 8387 9023
uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qY1NjZ2dVckZ6amM&revid=0B Njb DjsC qNUNSaXI3OU5PSUN5c203TEFGQkFnZXY5TWU0PQ - Subnautica Free Download right now   uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qbHdjQVVRS092VVk&revid=0B Njb DjsC qMnFtcmxwaEhac3ZsK3dFNmNiNGY0bUdKWVZzPQ - Subnautica Free Download right now    Visit%20our%20Blog - Subnautica Free Download right now    newsletter icon for email signature 01 - Subnautica Free Download right now 

Why an SSD upgrade from an old mechanical hard disk is such a HUGE difference in speed

You may have heard that an SSD upgrade can help speed up your PC or laptop. Here’s the reasons why…

As far as speed, a mechanical hard disk has moving parts and gets slower with use – especially after years of usage. An 

SSD is a large memory chip with no moving parts so by design it’s transfer rates for read and write are much faster (up to 10x). SSD’s also don’t get noticeably slower over time with use. The biggest difference you’ll see after an SSD upgrade is boot time, running programs and shutting down. I did a few SSD upgrades last week and saw their boot time from powered off to fully loading the desktop ready for use go from 3 to 4 minutes reduced down to under 20 seconds. Large Excel sheets used to take around a minute to open and now open in about 2 seconds. The reason an SSD makes such a difference is it’s transfer speeds – you computer is always transferring data and if it can do that faster – then everything speeds up because queue times for programs and loading is massively reduced.

In short, an SSD upgrade speeds up your computer by essentially removing the bottleneck of its data communication.

Need to upgrade your PC or laptop with an SSD? Contact me and I’d be more than happy to help.


Adelaide Computers + On-site Support

uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qcFVYaGRYY2FUbW8&revid=0B Njb DjsC qb0NsRUtpT0dKdjRNeUVTZVNISHVzLzBmWUcwPQ - Why an SSD upgrade from an old mechanical hard disk is such a HUGE difference in speed
Mobile : 0404 110 526
Office : (08) 8387 9023
uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qY1NjZ2dVckZ6amM&revid=0B Njb DjsC qNUNSaXI3OU5PSUN5c203TEFGQkFnZXY5TWU0PQ - Why an SSD upgrade from an old mechanical hard disk is such a HUGE difference in speed   uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qbHdjQVVRS092VVk&revid=0B Njb DjsC qMnFtcmxwaEhac3ZsK3dFNmNiNGY0bUdKWVZzPQ - Why an SSD upgrade from an old mechanical hard disk is such a HUGE difference in speed    Visit%20our%20Blog - Why an SSD upgrade from an old mechanical hard disk is such a HUGE difference in speed    newsletter icon for email signature 01 - Why an SSD upgrade from an old mechanical hard disk is such a HUGE difference in speed 

Seaford Onsite computer repair and support : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access

Today I’m helping a Seaford plumbing company by installing a new NBN modem to replace a faulty one plus also setting up remote access to their CCTV security camera system so they can monitor what’s happening at their business after hours and offsite. 


Adelaide Computers + On-site Support

uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qcFVYaGRYY2FUbW8&revid=0B Njb DjsC qb0NsRUtpT0dKdjRNeUVTZVNISHVzLzBmWUcwPQ - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access
Mobile : 0404 110 526
Office : (08) 8387 9023
uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qY1NjZ2dVckZ6amM&revid=0B Njb DjsC qNUNSaXI3OU5PSUN5c203TEFGQkFnZXY5TWU0PQ - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access   uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qbHdjQVVRS092VVk&revid=0B Njb DjsC qMnFtcmxwaEhac3ZsK3dFNmNiNGY0bUdKWVZzPQ - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access    Visit%20our%20Blog - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access    newsletter icon for email signature 01 - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access