Today I’m helping a plumbing company by installing a new NBN to replace a faulty one plus also setting up access to their CCTV security camera system so they can monitor what’s happening at their after hours and offsite. 


Adelaide Computers + On-site Support

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Mobile : 0404 110 526
Office : (08) 8387 9023
uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qY1NjZ2dVckZ6amM&revid=0B Njb DjsC qNUNSaXI3OU5PSUN5c203TEFGQkFnZXY5TWU0PQ - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access   uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qbHdjQVVRS092VVk&revid=0B Njb DjsC qMnFtcmxwaEhac3ZsK3dFNmNiNGY0bUdKWVZzPQ - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access    Visit%20our%20Blog - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access    newsletter icon for email signature 01 - Seaford Onsite computer repair and support  : New NBN modem setup + CCTV security system remote access