Month: March 2018 (page 1 of 4)

Move over PUBG… Fortnite is officially taking over the gaming world with guided missiles!

maxresdefault2 - Move over PUBG... Fortnite is officially taking over the gaming world with guided missiles!

It looks very much like Player Unknowns Battlegrounds has had its time in the sun (making literally millions of dollars doing so mind you…) but the new kid on the block Fortnite is now taking the world by storm adding new features, skins and characters on a regular basis. The latest update is guided missiles just to add to the ridiculousness that is Fortnite.

For those living under a rock… Fortnite is the latest free to play Battle Royale game on PS4, Xbox One and PC that has absolutely gone bonkers worldwide. I gave it a shot myself and while I’m a bit rubbish at it, I still managed to place about 14 out of 100 and had a stack of fun in the process.

Suzuki GSX-R 1000 vs supercars and superbikes on mountain road

Check out this guy on a Suzuki GSX-R 1000 absolutely booking it on a highway mountain pass completely blasting past supercars and every other thing on the road. Talk about nerves of steel and power to burn!

Aberfoyle Park Onsite Computer Support : Helping school students and staff

Back to school for me today! I’m out at a school in Aberfoyle Park helping students and staff with various desktop and network problems ranging from water damaged laptops, network logins, smart tv conferencing setup and some network printing access issues for new students. It’s great to be in a busy learning environment that’s switched on with all the latest tech 🙂

Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
395 13 - Aberfoyle Park Onsite Computer Support : Helping school students and staff
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 

How to tell how old your PC or Laptop is (the easy way)…

Have you ever wondered how old your PC or laptop actually is? Time can really fly especially when you’re busy at school or work and a new PC or laptop can surprisingly quickly start to develop issues related to it’s age. So rather than digging through your receipts drawer or wracking your brain trying to remember when you purchased your computer I’ll instead show you a super easy and fast way how to tell how old your PC or laptop is.

If you’re using Windows XP, 7, 8 or 10 simply hold the Windows key (it’s the one on your keyboard usually to the left of the space bar right next to ALT) and press the R key. You should be presented with a box that you can type a command into. Now type msinfo32 and press enter. 

So to repeat that it’s Windows key + R then type msinfo32 and press enter.

You should now see a window pop up that shows your system information. Look for an entry about halfway down on the right called BIOS Version / Date. This is the date your computer motherboard was built. Add a month or two to this date to allow for shipping and the time it may have sat on the shelf in a store and you have a very close idea of when you purchased your PC and at the very least a solid date at how old the components that make up your PC are. 

Have a great day! 

Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
395 12 - How to tell how old your PC or Laptop is (the easy way)...
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 

St. Marys Onsite Computer Support : Networking MYOB and outgoing email issues in Thunderbird

Today I’m out on the road in St Marys helping a business network their MYOB software from their back office to their shop point of sale PC. They had their modem replaced during their NBN install and since then their MYOB software has failed to work properly. After some network tweaks and some modification of their security on the modem all was back up and running in no time. They were also having some issues with outgoing emails in Mozilla Thunderbird not being sent which I was able to resolve for them by modifying some of the SSL and authenticaction settings. Another business back in the game 🙂

Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
395 11 - St. Marys Onsite Computer Support : Networking MYOB and outgoing email issues in Thunderbird
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023 
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