Is your PC running super and driving you crazy? Are programs and apps freezing up? Have you lost data due to a dying hard disk? It might be time to replace that old box for a new one packed with the latest tech.
I build and sell quality computers assembled from the best parts tailor made to your needs.
Do you a basic office PC? I’ve got you covered with our Digital Insite ECO-system PC.
Do you something with some serious grunt to power through intensive tasks? No problems, our Digital Insite Powerhouse PC sounds perfect for you.
Are you after a custom built high spec PC for gaming, video editing, music production or something that won’t break a sweat under load? Easy. I’d love to build a beast that’s up to the task.
Whatever it is you your PC to do, I can design, build, supply and it for you in your home or office.
Contact me to order your new computer today.
Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support
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Office : (08) 8387 9023
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