Here's another one of those handy little tips that you may or may not already know. Accessing the task manager on your or laptop is a super useful way of finding out what's happening on your computer behind the scenes and on a hardware level. The Task Manager can tell you if your CPU is being maxed out, which programs are using all of your or even tell you if it's your hard disk that may making your laptop or really slow. The Task Manager is also the go to place if you to terminate a hung program that is no longer responding. 

There are several ways to access the task manager but the way I'm going to show you is hands down the fastest and easiest way…

Simply press CTRL, SHIFT and ESC… and BAM! There's your Task Manager. Nice huh?

That little keyboard shortcut will save you at least 2 seconds every time you to get to the Task Manager which equates to on average an extra hour of free time per day to do other cool stuff. Ok, maybe that's not 100% accurate but it's still a cool handy tip 🙂
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uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qY1NjZ2dVckZ6amM&revid=0B Njb DjsC qNUNSaXI3OU5PSUN5c203TEFGQkFnZXY5TWU0PQ - Next Level Tip : Access the task manager the easy way (Windows 7,8 & 10)   uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qbHdjQVVRS092VVk&revid=0B Njb DjsC qMnFtcmxwaEhac3ZsK3dFNmNiNGY0bUdKWVZzPQ - Next Level Tip : Access the task manager the easy way (Windows 7,8 & 10)    uc?export=download&id=0B Njb DjsC qdXFZZDc3RWxZbGs&revid=0B Njb DjsC qQysrKzJRMW8yNHZhSlFXV1UrUE1PbFd4cm80PQ - Next Level Tip : Access the task manager the easy way (Windows 7,8 & 10)