I’m working on a today down at that’s probably around 4 to 5 years that is EXCEPTIONALLY slow. The rest of the laptop is fine but the hard disk is dragging the whole down to a snails pace due to its age. An SSD to replace that worn out hard disk would do wonders here.
If your task manager looks like this photo I just took then you also are an ideal candidate for an SSD upgrade.
I’ve done lots of these upgrades to both PC’s and laptops in the past and it turns an old, slow drag of a into a good, fast and reliable machine you’d be happy to use. You won’t lose any of your data or settings as everything is cloned to the new disk. In short, all your data and programs stay the same but everything runs MUCH faster!
Contact me if your is unbearably slow and I’ll help you get up to speed 🙂