Today I’m in the heart of the city helping out a fine foods supermarket with some email and internet issues as well as getting their CCTV recording system up and running on the owners iphone so he can monitor what’s happening in his business when he’s not in the store. After correcting a few issues with their email to do with SSL and authentication, they were back up and running and the backlog of emails being held in their their Outlook outbox disappeared. Next up was the CCTV app on the owners iphone which was pointing at an incorrect public IP address. I helped them by showing them how to discover their public address and put it in the app on his phone and also mentioned that a dynamic DNS solution would be ideal if they continue to have any issues down the track. Another happy customer and now on to my next one…
186 7 6 - Adelaide City Supermarket Onsite Computer Support
Adelaide Onsite Computers + Support 
Mobile : 0404 110 526 
Office : (08) 8387 9023