Tag: Computer (page 6 of 86)

Brighton computer repairs and support

Today I’m helping a business in Brighton upgrade there NBN service as their modem in the office died. I’m supplying them with a good quality TP link WiFi modem that will give them the best possible speeds and reliable Network for their office.

Adelaide Computers + On-site Support
Mobile : 0404 110 526 |  digitalinsite.net
398 1 - Brighton computer repairs and support

Seaford onsite computer upgrades

Today I’m at a plumbing business office helping upgrade a very slow computer used on the front desk that has an old mechanical hard drive. I’m replacing the old slow mechanical hard drive for a high speed SSD which will make the computer like new again.

Adelaide Computers + On-site Support
Mobile : 0404 110 526 |  digitalinsite.net
398 2 - Seaford onsite computer upgrades

Christies Beach onsite computer repairs and support

I’m helping a lawyers office in Christies Beach today by cleaning up a whole lot of their old comms equipment from a previous telephone and Internet setup before they moved across to the NBN and a VoIP phone system.

Adelaide Computers + On-site Support
Mobile : 0404 110 526 |  digitalinsite.net
398 - Christies Beach onsite computer repairs and support

Sheidow Park onsite computer support

I’m helping a man in shadow park today who works from home. His Wi-Fi signal in his back office where he works was very poor and he had purchased a Wi-Fi extender but was unsuccessful in configuring it. I helped him by successfully setting up the Wi-Fi extender to give him full strength Wi-Fi access on his property.

Adelaide Computers + On-site Support
Mobile : 0404 110 526 |  digitalinsite.net
398 4 - Sheidow Park onsite computer support

Lonsdale onsite computer support

I’m helping an amazing 92 year old customer today that wants to upgrade her Windows 8.1 computer to at least Windows 10 to enable her to continue doing the things she likes on there. She loves buying things on eBay, hiring online vintage movies, and keeping track of all of the great things her grandchildren do but Windows 8.1 was giving her a whole lot of trouble. I was able to upgrade her computer to Windows 10 as well as some other basic software programs and get her back in action.

Adelaide Computers + On-site Support
Mobile : 0404 110 526 |  digitalinsite.net
398 2 - Lonsdale onsite computer support
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