It finally happened. The tide has turned, and the decrepit deplorable Democrat government that was a scourge to both the United States of America and the entire world has been replaced. Day one, Trump has removed the USA from the W.H.O – the criminal organisation that was responsible for furthering the crippling effects of covid-19 worldwide, established into law that there are only two genders – being male and female and essentially destroying the woke culture plague that has swept across the world, removed the USA entirely from the economy destroying climate change lies,
and Donald J Trump as president of the United States of America has given acknowledgement to God for keeping him alive and for putting him in power to make change for the better.
I pray that God continues to lead him, speak to him, use him to further God’s kingdom, and to deliver him from the many evil individuals and organizations around the world that seek to undermine and thwart the good work being done in the USA.
I pray in Jesus’ name that God, in His great mercy, would in the same way intervene for Australia and replace our blatantly evil, God-hating government with leaders that call on his name and seek His kingdom first. Your Kingdom come, Your will be done. 

255 - Congratulations President Donald Trump!
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